Kundli milan
Kundli Milan chart in Hindu mythology is the most popular and traditional astrological analysis for deciding marriage compatibility of boy and girl.
In the present millennium, horoscope matching before marriage is taking a front seat and it is in vogue and essential for every couple. Decades ago only parents were keen for match making before marriage. Young educated couples today consider it as one of the essentials to follow and practice by mainly to minimize day to day sufferings and extra stress and strain in married life.
Kundli gun milan complatibility consideration is a way to get the knowledge regarding the psychological, physical, social make up of an person. It shows the planetary interactions by which we can judge the harmony between the copules. To have a lifelong happy relationship between the couples the ashtkoot milan complatibility has to be found. Though it is very difficult to find accurate emotional and intellectual attributes that determine characteristic actions and reactions of the couples before marraige still the knowledge of ashtkoot milan compatibility definitely helps in this direction.
Kundli or horoscope matching along with 7th house, navamansa chart, present dasha’s are the crucial factors to decide whether a particular marriage will be fruitful or not. This compatibility matching system contributes points which determines that influence marriage.
Ashtakoot milan has eight contributors which require careful consideration for harmonious relation between the husband and wife. Which are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha-Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi. In this system only moon chart and birth nakshatra are taken into consideration. In numerical results of ashtakoot table total of 36 stands as maximum score. An average compatibilty score is 18 points and 20 or more points are considered ideal for a happy married life.
Ashtakoot milan/Arisht Gun Dosha Nivaran puja
- To maintain harmonious relation between husband and wife
- It increases mutual attraction between the couple
- to remove inconveniences caused due to negative planetary interactions of husband and wife
- It removes health related troubles
- To remove dosha causing troubles in concieving
- To increase general well being of the family
- To maintain spiritual and intellectual compatibility.
We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja
- Complete name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed.
- Father’s Name.
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Time of Birth.
- Additional Information
- Contact Number.
Click to fill Inquiry form
*Any pooja’s and rituals done on the auspicious occasions plays prime importance to seek blessings and good fortune for all family members. Nine planets are worshiped to achieve success and the maximum power is generated from a particular planet to get it fully energised.Special Tantrik Puja’s which is performed only at midnight are done to remove ego and negativeness that hamper spiritual and material growth. Tantrik rituals are performed essentially for general happiness, health, wealth, and peace. People are blessed with intense joy, prosperity and seek protection against evil, enemies and adversities.
All the above poojas are done by tantra sadhaks by maintaining pure sanctity and incorporating vedic/tantrik rituals to get fast results.
Only your trust, faith and belief gives the best results
Ashtakoot milan- Arisht Gun Dosha Nivaran Benefits
On the auspicious night kali jayanti dus mahavidya mata kali tantric puja is carried out in a grand way by mahavidhya sadhaks.
The following programme will be carried out
- Guru Vandana
- Guru Poojan
- Gau puja
- Special Mata Abhishekam
- Pushpa Arpanam
- Mata Shringar and Alankaram
- Ganapathy, Navagraha, Aavahan puja and homam
- Sri kali Mool Mantra, Samput patha, Maha poojan Yagya
- Purnahuti
- Deep daan
- Maha bhoga prasad distribution in the morning
On kali jayanti Kanya Puja for minimum nine girls below the age of ten are worshipped as personification of Goddess kali. They are served food and presented with new clothes and other things.